HSF - We connected recently through DM’s on Instagram when I shared about my experience with an eating disorder. I consider those who have recovered to have a strength so deep it makes you somewhat unbreakable once you’re through it. How has your own experience with an eating disorder + recovering from it played a part in shaping you as a person, both personally + professionally?
DLM - For most of my teenage + adult life I struggled with unhealthy eating patterns + beliefs around food. It wasn’t until recently with help from two experts Muk and Sonia that I was able to get better physically + mentally. I’ve become more patient, hardworking + committed as a result both personally + professionally.
HSF - Can you share, if you’re comfortable, what tools you have found helpful in your journey back to health?
DLM - A great therapist, Sonia specialises in inner child healing, hypnotherapy, NLP + so much more. Hypnotherapy is my favourite form of ‘travel’ these days, even if it is into my own subconscious. A positive, fun, knowledgeable + experienced coach to help you with nutrition, my trainer Muk is the best. I journal affirmations at night, say them to myself in the morning + sometimes play them in the car or while I’m walking. Realising there is no quick fix, that it is daily work and that you’re worth putting time and effort into are great realisations. Headspace for meditations, an Apple Watch to make step tracking fun + MyFitnessPal for macro counting are in my arsenal.
HSF - In your own experience, at what point did you come to terms with the fact you needed to make recovery a priority?
DLM - When we decided we wanted to start a family.
HSF - For anyone on the fence or frightened to commit fully to their wellbeing, what would you say?
DLM - Spending time improving your body, mind + spirit is the greatest investment you’ll ever make. You’re worth it.
HSF - What freedoms has your own commitment afforded you?
DLM - I’m so much kinder to myself + enjoy life much more, my cortisol levels have dropped, my relationships have improved + I’m just much happier + lighter.